What we do – Nursery education

Education is the best way out of poverty and this cannot start too early in life. The Trust is involved in three projects which aim to deliver a pre-school education to the most disadvantaged. Malama Centre Nursery. Over 60 orphan and disadvantaged children from the surrounding villages gather every weekday to receive a nourishing meal followed by a morning of education and activities. They are grouped into three age groups each supervised by volunteers who have undergone training in Montesorri methods of hands-on learning and collaborative play.

Nkhudzi Bay Nursery

This is a nursery and clinic for orphans and disadvantaged children in the Nkhudzi Bay area. It caters for approximately 30 children on a daily basis throughout the week. The Trust helps with donations of educational equipment such as books, pens, pencils, posters as well as games, toys, footballs, netballs and clothes. The provision of a free nourishing meal ensures the attendance at the nursery is almost 100%.

Mango Tree Nursery

‘From small acorns great oak trees grow’ would be a fitting description of this highly successful nursery established by Mrs Anne Davidson in the idyllic setting of Cape Maclear. Catering for approximately 26 orphans and disadvantaged children they provide early learning education as well as a daily, nutritious meal. The original straw structure has now been replaced with two purpose built, brick and corrugated roof classrooms courtesy of the Dawson family from Leeds.

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