Building Classrooms - over the years we have built 28 classrooms at 6 different primary schools in the Kasungu area
The village provide the bricks while the Zikomo Trust pays for a team of local craftsmen to dig the foundations and erect a double classroom. Within 4 to 6 weeks everything is ready. The pupils from The Grammar School at Leeds paint the curriculum on the walls appropriate to the year group occupying the rooms.
Decorating Classrooms with curriculum items
During their biennial tour students from The Grammar School at Leeds paint the curriculum on the walls appropriate to the year group occupying the rooms.
Providing Libraries
Libraries have been built at 5 different primary schools in the Kasungu area. The Zikomo Trust also supplies books to 4 secondary schools, 2 universities and the School of Medicine.
Malama Feeding Centre
The Zikomo Trust helps to finance the running of the centre which feeds over 90 elderly, 60 orphan and disadvantaged children and 35 HIV/Aids sufferers every weekday morning. We also supply clothing, blankets and educational material.
Malama Nursery
Each day 60+ orphans and disadvantaged children are fed at The Malama Centre and then attend nursery. There are three classes divided by age. The volunteer teachers are trained in Montessori techniques. The six orphans in the end photo were awarded Zikomo scholarships and attend Chisapi Primary school, a private boarding school in Mvumbwe.
Kasungu District Hospital
This is where my daughter, Zealah, was born. The hospital has three doctors to take care of an area of over 7500 square Kms with a population in excess of 480,000 people. The Trust donates much needed medicines plus re-cycled items from UK hospitals such as crutches, beds, stethoscopes, bandages etc. The nurses are truly "angels" as they often have to deal with occupancy of 130% with patients on the floor and under beds. The end photo shows premature twins in the intensive care ward.
Mango Tree Nursery
Mango Tree nursery is situated on the lake shore at Cape Maclear. It provides early years learning for orphans and disadvantaged children from the local community. Since its early beginnings in the shade of a tall Mango tree it has grown into a two classroom school. Recently the temporary straw structure has been replaced with a purpose built brick building with classrooms, stores, kitchen and ablution block.
Chilanga School for the Blind
Situated just south of Kasungu town this school provides specialist education for the blind, partially sighted and, recently, sighted pupils. A number of the blind also suffer from albinism. The Zikomo trust has supplied braille machines. braille games and toys, specialist computer equipment, books, educational equipment and musical instruments. Music plays an important part in the school which has an inspirational music teacher.
In January 2018 the Zikomo Trust is refurbishing the hall with a new ceiling, paintwork and new windows - much needed as can be seen in the first photo. During the biennial visit we join in with their PE lessons, playing tug-of-war and Over-and-under with our eyes closed.